Howdy! At Wellnest we're building a new way to practice self-care. We're a VC-backed team of three who are passionate about playful software that improves your well-being. 🌱

The Team

Founder, Engineer

Tommy Founder, Engineer

Founder, Community

Mars Founder, Community

Founder, Operations

Drew Founder, Operations



Our Product

Wellnest is currently on TestFlight (beta) —— We are building an open world environment for people to find peace-of-mind by answering daily reflection prompts. People can plant their most important reflections in the ground as flowers, talk to inspirational characters, and earn rewards including avatar accessories and new flower types.

Our Vision

We believe in interactive, playful consumer applications that uplift people. Gameful experiences have completely transformed the standard for consumer products and we want to lead the charge in the mindfulness space. If we succeed, Wellnest will help millions develop a healthier relationship with technology and life.

Some of our supporters: